A year or two later I was trying a linoleum reduction print. That is where you carve away at the plate, print it in one color, carve some more, print over the first with another color and keep carving and printing until you are done; or until there is no linoleum left. I decided to use pretty much the same image since I had recently had a show and it was fresh in my mind.
This is one early version. I did play around with the background colors a bit. This one has an emerald forest quality.
I like this one a lot, but it is a reduction print and there is no going back.
This one has been carved more than the previous one, and has different background color. It also has lousy registration. I decided the small birds on the house (in the painting and my original sketch) would be too hard to make look good with lino cutters so I changed them from my original plan.
The last one is the same print in black and white. It's kind of cool like this and I'm stuck trying to decide if I should continue to work on it as a black and white print or carve away major sections of it and continue to reduce the plate.
I only have a few more colored prints to experiment with, but I could paint backgrounds and print on top of them. This would mean I have a painting that became a print and a print that is becoming a painting.
Of course the big difference besides the lack of three dimensional elements is that there is no heavy wing. The emotional feeling of the painting has changed, but I'm not exactly sure where it is going yet.